A digital space inspired by the natural connection, Bramble is socially adventurous and geared toward making connections. From happy hours to live music, Bramble changes how we come together when we’re apart. Bramble's safe and secure 2.5-dimensional interface is playfully unpretentious. It’s like nothing you’ve seen before, and yet, perfectly intuitive.
Press: New York Times, Flaunt Magazine, Coolhuntings
Client: Bramble
Role: Creative Director, Design Director
Team: Nicole Wang, Olga Povarchuk
“Bramble recreates the energy and curiosity we feel in a variety of real-life gatherings and spaces. New connections are around the corner, waiting to be discovered. ”
“Global announcements, full chat features, embed videos to entertain your guests, profiles for networking and payment, unique avatars and more. No complicated training needed for organizers or guests. Bramble is accessible with one click on any device, with nothing to install.”
“The fluid spatial video technology allows people to walk in and out of conversations, just like real life.”
“ Speakers can walk up to the mic and be heard by everyone in the room, perfect for a performance or an emcee.